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Available Tools
INSERT and MERGE SQL Statements to Tabular Format in Online New
This is a tool that SQL developers sometimes need. It only works on MERGE and INSERT statements. This works by first parsing the sql statements and then converting them to table format.
SQL Statements to Tabular Format Insert and Merge SQL Statements SQL developer Tools Insert and Merge SQL Queries
Create Digital Signature Online
When we need to eSign PDF documents, we need an image of our signature. This is a tool that can be used for such purposes. This tool is called Digital Signature Maker tool. After drawing the signature online using the Digital Signature Maker tool, you can download and use it. You can download the digital signature as JPG, PNG or SVG. This is a completely free service. And it is secure because your signature is not stored anywhere.
Sign Online Digital Signature Online Download Digital Signature Online Signature Maker
Convert Address to Latitude and Longitude Online
This tool is used for convert Address to Latitude and Longitude.
Address to Lat Long Get Lat Long from Address Address to Latitude and Longitude Get Latitude Longitude from Address
Convert Latitude and Longitude to Address Online
Find the lat long of an address.
Lat Long to Address Get Address from Lat Long Latitude and Longitude to Address Get Address from Latitude Longitude
Convert SVG to PNG Online
Online SVG to PNG Converter is used to convert SVG image to PNG. Also you can download the converted PNG image.
Online SVG to PNG Converter 'SVG to PNG' Converter and Downloader Convert SVG Image to PNG
Free Online QR Code Generator
Online QR Code Generator is used to generate QR code online and download easily. Generate QR Code Online.
Online QR Code Generator Generate QR Code Online Download QR Code Online
Free Online Barcode Generator
Online Barcode Generator is used to generate barcode online and download easily. Generate Barcode Online.
Online Barcode Generator Generate Barcode Online Download Barcode Online
Convert Date and Time to Milliseconds
Date and Time Converter is used to convert Date & Time to Milliseconds. Online Date and Time Converter. Online date and time to Milliseconds converter.
Date and Time to Milliseconds Milliseconds Date and Time
Convert Milliseconds to Date and Time (UTC & Local)
Milliseconds Converter is used to convert Milliseconds to Date & Time in UTC and Local format. Online Milliseconds Converter. Online Milliseconds to date and time converter.
Milliseconds to Date and Time Milliseconds Date and Time
JSON Beautifier
JSON Beautifier is used for beautify JSON in online. Beautifier will reformat and re-indent make JSON/JSONP readable.
e.g. (json){"name":"John", "age":31, "city":"New York"}
Beautified output:
{ "name": "John", "age": 31, "city": "New York" }
Beautify JSON
JSON Minifier
This tool is used for minify/compress json in online.
e.g. (json){ "name": "John", "age": 31, "city": "New York" }
Minified output:
{"name":"John", "age":31, "city":"New York"}
Minify JSON
JSON to HTML Table Converter
JSON to HTML table converter convert the json string to human understandable format ie. its convert json to html table.
e.g. (css){"name":"John", "age":31, "city":"New York"}
name : John age : 31 city : New York json to table json to html table json to table online json 2 table
HTML, XML, JSON, CSS and JavaScript Beautifier
HTML, XML, JSON, CSS and JavaScript Beautifier is used for beautify HTML,XML,JSON,CSS and JavaScript in online. Beautifier will reformat and re-indent bookmarklets, ugly JavaScript, unpack scripts. Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript and HTML, make JSON/JSONP readable.
e.g. (css)p{border-style:solid;border-top:thick double red}
Beautified output:
p { border-style: solid; border-top: thick double red }
Beautify CSS Beautify HTML Beautify JavaScript Beautify XML Beautify JSON
Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) to Decimal Degrees (Latitude and Longitude)
This tool converting Degrees Minutes Seconds (i.e DMS) to Decimal Degrees.
e.g.9° 20' 28.88880" to 9.34136
76° 49' 51.78360" to 76.83105DMS to Lat Long Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees Decimal Degrees Degrees Minutes Seconds DMS to Latitude and Longitude
Convert Latitude and Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS)
This tool converting Lat Long (Latitude and Longitude) to Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS).
e.g.9.34136 to 9° 20' 28.88880"
76.83105 to 76° 49' 51.78360"Lat Long to DMS Latitude and Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds DMS Converter Degrees Minutes Seconds Latitude and Longitude to DMS
Encode and Decode HTML Entities Online
This tool is used for encoding and decoding html entities by entity name and number.
e.g.Encoded '<div>' in entity number: <div>
Encoded '<div>' in entity name: <div>Encode HTML Entities Decode HTML Entities Encode HTML Entities by Entity Name Encode HTML Entities by Entity Number
HTML, XML, JSON, CSS and JavaScript Minifier
This tool is used for minify/compress html, xml, json, css and javascript in online.
e.g. (css)p { border-style: solid; border-top: thick double #ff0000; }
Minified output:
p{border-style:solid;border-top:thick double red}
Minify CSS Minify HTML Minify JavaScript Minify XML
Tryit Editor | Online HTML Viewer
Tryit Editor is an online HTML viewer for execute HTML, JavaScript & CSS scripts online. Which is very useful for client side developers. Also known as online html viewer.
Tryit Editor HTML Viewer HTML Editor CSS & JavaScript Editor
Base64 Encoded String to Image Converter
Base64 to Image Converter is used for converting to base64 encoded string to image. And also find the image size, width, height and type.
Base64 to Image Decode Image Base64 Decoder Base64 to Image Online
Image to Base64 Encoded String Converter
Image to Base64 converter is used for converting images to base64 encoded string. We can use the base64 encoded string in <img> tag and CSS.
e.g.<img src="..."/>
background-image: url("...")Image to Base64 Encode Image Base64 Encoder Image to Base64 Online
Online Text Case Converter
Online Text Case Converter allows you to change your text to 'Sentence case,lower case,UPPER CASE,Capitalize and Title Case'.
e.g.Case Converted Text Sentence case This is a sample sentence lower case this is a sample sentence UPPER CASE THIS IS A SAMPLE SENTENCE Capitalize This Is A Sample Sentence Title Case This Is a Sample Sentence Case Converter Change Case Sentence Case Title Case Upper Case Lower Case Capitalize
Online URL Slug Generator
Online URL Slug Generator to generate search engine friendly and user friendly URL slugs. A slug is the part of a URL which identifies a particular page on a website in an easy to read form.
e.g.Without slug Slug (SEO-friendly URL) bitcompiler.com bitcompiler-com online tools online-tools Url Slug Generator Remove Spaces Online Remove Special Characters Online Slug SEO
Online Encrypt and Decrypt with Key
Encryption is the process of encoding a message or information. Decryption is the process of encrypted data into its original form. It is the reverse process of encryption. Decryption or Encryption requires a secret key or password.
e.g.Plain Text Encrypted bitcompiler.com U2FsdGVkX1+eiIAMQtS/riRdKU5caIcRWvtqEiUyNKI= Encrypt Online Decrypt Online Decrypt Password Encrypt with Key
Online Age Calculator
Online age calculator is used for calculating age in months,weeks,hours,minutes and seconds. And also calculate the number of days left for next birthday.
Date of birth: 07/04/2014Your age is x years, x months, x days
Age in Months x months, x weeks, x days Age in Weeks xxx weeks, x days, x hours Age in Days xxxx days, x hours, xx minutes Age in Hours xxxxx hours, xx minutes, xx seconds Age in Minutes xxxxxxx minutes, and xx seconds Age in Seconds xxxxxxxxx seconds Birthday Calculator Online age Calculator Calculate Age Age Counter
Online Character Count Tool
Online Character Count Tool is used for counting characters,words,paragraphs,sentences,lines and whitespace online.
Sample Text:Online Character Count Tool.
Online Character Count Tool is used for counting characters,words,paragraphs,sentences,lines and whitespace online.Total no.of Characters (with whitespace & tab) 145 Total no.of Characters (without whitespace & tab) 129 Total no.of Words 16 Total no.of Whitespace 14 Total no.of Lines 3 Total no.of Paragraphs 2 Total no.of Sentences 2 Online Character Count Tool Count Words Count Characters Count Whitespace Count Lines Count Parahraphs Count Sentences